01702 615566

Basic Utility Search
Desktop Utility Records
UK & Ireland

When starting any new development project, ensuring a thorough understanding of the utilities below ground is vital to project success and safety.

What is a Groundwise Basic Utility Search?

Our Basic Utility Search option provides information on the 5 main utilities: Electricity, Gas, Water Mains, Drainage and Openreach.

This Report is ideal for rural sites, where only ‘main’ utilities are expected to be present, and projects in the planning stages of a new development.

What does a Groundwise Basic Utility Search involve?

Our Basic Utility Search service involves:

  • Making C2 enquiries to cover: Electricity (DNO), Gas (GDNO), Water Mains, Drainage and Openreach
  • Collating the results into a PDF report – checking for accuracy along the way
  • Chasing down any outstanding information
  • Keeping our clients up to date with the progress of their Basic Stats Search – communication is key!
  • Delivering the Utility Report in PDF format

What’s the difference between the Comprehensive and Basic Utility Search?

Our Comprehensive Utility Search, being a full pack of utility data, is PAS128 and HSG47 compliant. The Basic Utility Search covers just the 5 main utilities (Electricity, Gas, Water, Drainage, Openreach).

Groundwise Comprehensive Utility Search Basic Utility Search

Electricity (DNO)

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Gas (GDN)

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Openreach (BT)

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Water Mains

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tick icon tick icon

Virgin Media

tick icon cross icon


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Telecoms / Fibre (CityFibre, Verizon etc.)

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Rail (Network Rail, TFL etc.)

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Mobile Phone Masts

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HSE (Major Accident Hazard Pipeline or Major Hazard Site)

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Multi-Utility (GTC, Leep Utilities etc.)

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LinesearchBeforeUdig (Includes all LSBUD members results)

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Street Lighting (Local Authority)

tick icon cross icon

Trust Groundwise with your next Stats Search and start your safe digging process with the UK’s leading Utility Search providers.