An environmental search is an investigation conducted in line with property conveyancing to highlight and compile details about any potential environmental risks or conditions associated with a particular piece of land or property.
Groundwise is a reseller of Groundsure Insight Reports.
Map Insight provides the highest quality old map imagery on the market as standard. Available as PDF and Geotiffs.
Groundsure’s historic Ordnance Survey mapping is scanned at over 500 dots per inch (dpi), setting a new industry standard. The sharper imagery means the information on the old maps is clear and more accurate, enabling greater confidence in your opinion.
Groundsure map packs are available in three formats which can include both National Grid and County Series maps.
Groundsure’s old maps date back to the 1840s to provide detailed insight into historical land use to understand the potential contaminated land risks and associated liabilities.
Details from the original marginalia information are also included such as surveyed, leveled and copyright dates.
This additional inspection ensures you have everything you need to provide an accurate and informed opinion.
Enviro Insight Report is an essential part of Environmental Consultant’s desktop study.
Delivers detailed and accurate information using an extensive range of datasets including environmental permits, contaminative processes and registers, waste, hydrogeology and geology – helping you to provide a definitive opinion for your clients.
Available as PDF and raw data for GIS.
Enviro Insight provides comprehensive contaminated land information on past and current land use from a multitude of sources, including our National Brownfield Risk Model (NBRM), and data from third party providers including the EA/SEPA, BGS, local authorities and the HSE. The report also includes detailed site setting information covering detailed flooding, hydrogeology, hydrology and designations data, essential for any consultant’s desktop study.
The Enviro Insight is full of features to enable efficient navigation, facilitating quick identification and assessment of the significant issues for your site. Improved data styling, modern background
mapping, enhanced feature labelling and dynamic map legends provide a clear visual display of identified data.
The Enviro Insight also accesses Groundsure’s unique Historic Land Use Database (HLUD) which features the most accurate and reliable information available on the market. Our HLUD is derived from historic Ordnance Survey mapping dating back to the 1840s, features over 7000 land use classifications and is scanned in at over 500dpi – setting a new industry standard.
A detailed geological data report combining BGS data with unique geological and geo-hazard datasets developed by Groundsure.
Geo Insight is essential for geo-environmental professionals and their clients to make informed decisions and identify potential ground instability and other potentially costly problems that may affect ground investigation, foundation design or possible remediation options.
Geological data report available as PDF & raw data for GIS.
Geo Insight is full of features to enable efficient navigation, facilitating quick identification and assessment of the significant issues for your site. Improved data styling, modern background
mapping, enhanced feature labelling and dynamic map legends provide a clear visual display of identified data.
Features include mining, ground workings, cavities and sinkholes.
10k BGS geology data is provided as standard alongside comprehensive geological data from a variety of sources. Also includes unique ground workings data derived from our collection of historical OS maps, and railway infrastructure data including tunnel locations and depths for both the London Underground and the Royal Mail Tunnels. The data on current and historical railways and tunnels is a level of detail which isn’t available in any other desktop report. It also features BGS recorded boreholes, with hyperlinks to online digitised records.
Delivers detailed and accurate information using flood risk datasets from leading providers including the Environment Agency, British Geological Survey and JBA Risk Management, helping you to provide a definitive opinion for your clients.
This report provides accurate, clear and insightful information for consultants to have greater accuracy in their opinion, ensuring appropriate due diligence for their clients.
A unique desktop search report that identifies the potential risks from unexploded ordnance (UXO) that could affect your client’s construction project.
The UK was heavily bombed and shelled in both world wars. It is estimated that up to 50% of all UK land has had some military activity on it, with some 10% of all historic munitions failing to explode. UXO could be found anywhere nationally and past poor practice has left many sites exposed to the risk.
As more building projects are developed it’s essential to understand the potential risks of UXO within the vicinity of your client’s site. Unexpected discoveries could lead to delays with project timescales as well as racking up additional costs for your client, and so by undertaking this search your clients have a comprehensive view on risks.
This report also covers the possible health and safety risks for contractors under CDM 2015.
Mining and Stability covered in Every Transaction.
Historic mining and ground stability affects properties across the country, not just in coal mining areas – your clients’ transactions need protecting.
Did you know that over 60 minerals have been mined, quarried and extracted at some point in the UK and affect all regions? These are all covered with a GeoRisk + mining and stability report.
To confirm your requirements and fee, please contact us via email at [email protected] or use our Quote Request Form.
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